- 抚躬自问拼音:
- 「fǔ gōng zì wèn」
※提示:拼音为程序生成,因此多音字的拼音可能不准确。 - 抚躬自问解释:
用法: 偏正式;作谓语;指反过来问一问自己
近义词: 反躬自问- 抚躬自问出处:
- 清·昭连《啸亭杂录·朱白泉狱中上百朱二公书》:“今以愚昧,于此获罪,所知为之流涕,路人为之叹息。抚躬自问,为幸多矣!”
- 抚躬自问例句:
- 若我想要把它化成言语,其实也是抚躬自问。If I tried to put it into words, exactly what my heart asks.要是你抚躬自问这些个重大不懂的题目,并谛听心田的回应,你终极会听见运气的理睬。If you askthe big questions and listen carefully to your heart, you will eventually hear destiny call you.当对年青生命逝去感喟的同时,我不禁抚躬自问,“莫非他们的心在面临坚苦时是如斯懦弱,只有逃避才可以解决,甚至不吝健康和生命的价格?莫非这真的是哀痛世界吗?”While sighingat the great loss of the young lives, I cannot help but asking: "are their hearts so fragile that when facing difficulties, the only way out is to escape, even at the cost of health and death? Is this world a really miserable world?"以是今晚,让我们抚躬自问一下吧,若是我们的孩童们能活到下个世纪,若是我的两个女儿有幸活到安尼克松库柏那样的年龄,他们将看到什么样的革新呢?So tonight, let us askourselves, if our children should live to see the next century; if my daughters should be so lucky to live as long as ann nixon cooper, what change will they see?
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